Be Someone's DNA
The Arjan Vir Foundation is an international voluntary stem cell donor registry
The Arjan Vir Foundation is an international voluntary stem cell donor registry, that addresses all blood disorders- with the aim of finding quick and easily accessible HLA-matched donors for all those in need of a life-saving stem cell transplant.
“Our mission is to give hope and facilitate stem cell transplants to save precious lives”

The Arjan Vir Foundation is working in the field of saving more lives from life-threatening blood disorders by creating a one-stop clinic that includes:
â–¶ Voluntary Stem Cell Donor Registry.
â–¶ Bringing about awareness and registering voluntary stem cell donors in North India.
â–¶ Conducting searches from the worldwide donor database via our stem cell donor registry.
â–¶ Facilitating stem cell collection from the donor, and, transporting to the transplant centre.
â–¶ Counselling patients and their families, and providing a helping hand in the recovery period post-transplant.

For Patients
The Arjan Vir Foundation understands and empathises with all those who are in need of a stem cell transplant.
Our aim is to run searches at the earliest, not only from our own database but also the worldwide database.
â–¶ All searches are free of cost.
â–¶ Assistance is provided in contacting national as well as international registries as per requirement.
â–¶ Communicating with the donor registry and streamlining all processes leading to the stem cell donation by an HLA-matched donor.
â–¶ Facilitating the transportation of donated stem cells from national and international collection centers as required.
â–¶ As a patient registry, our responsibility ends at the point of handing over the collected stem cells to your Transplant Centre.
For Donors
If you wish to be a stem cell donor, please read the following criteria before signing up.
â–¶ To join the registry, you should have complete knowledge and understanding of stem cell donation.
â–¶ You must be in the age bracket of 18-45 years.
â–¶ You must be generally in good health free of any comorbidities.
â–¶ You must not be on a long-term medication.
â–¶ You must not be aneamic.